Improving the way we measure LUR

It's Friday! As in every Friday episode Mattias wraps up his week, shares what he has been up to and what is currently on his mind. At the beginning of the week, iGoMoon launched their new improved way how they measure and follow up KPI's.

Labor utilization rate

One example of these numbers is the labor utilization rate, for which the way how iGoMoon calculate it has been improved. One of the reasons for the improvement has been the feedback from multiple teams, saying there was a lot of confusion around how to properly time report and how to contribute to the bigger picture. This lead to colleagues going home without knowing if it was a good or a bad day performance-wise. The utilization rate is an important number for iGoMoon because they charge their time to customers and they need to maximize the productive time of their employees.

Vidyard training session

Mattias mentions an interesting meeting with Vidyard on Tuesday. It was a training session for Vidyard partners teaching how to help clients understand the advantages of using the Vidyard services as a tool in their sales process. The State of inbound survey has shown that one of the most challenging parts of the sales process for B2B companies is getting in touch and eventually connect with prospects.
iGoMoon is a Vidyard partner and train B2B companies getting a more personal approach early in the sales process.

Q1 rocks – check

On Wednesday he was busy preparing an onboarding for new developer who will be starting the upcoming week. He also spent some time working on the biggest rock for Q1. The two big rocks (projects) he wanted to prioritize during the first 3 months of the years were documenting the recruitment and the onboarding process.

CEO report

Mattias spent Friday morning preparing his monthly CEO report for the board. In this report he summarizes an overall perspective of iGoMoon's performance including the financial situation, positive and negative aspects as well as possible improvements to work on in the following months.


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