Working on Q1's big rocks
In this weekly recap episode of "MattGron's Scaling Up Journey", Mattias talks about everything important that has happened at iGoMoon.
New career page
The first half of the past week he has been really productive, spending those days working on the new recruitment process. He refined role descriptions and job ads and launched the brand-new iGoMoon career page. The first job that went live on that career page was a new UX/UI designer position.
Prospecting tool
On Thursday Mattias was working on agreements with new customers and had a meeting. The context of the meeting was the search for a new prospecting tool for the Account Managers to save time during the prospecting phase. He ended the day with a growth call with one of the Account Managers.
CEO open door
On Friday he continues with his new concept "CEO open door for you", where anyone on the team can book a time with Mattias and talk about what is closest to their hearts right now.
Fun Friday question
After having a rather tough month in January, Mattias and his team closed two new projects and signed two new retainer contracts in the course of the last week, which makes February a very successful month for iGoMoon. We wrapped up the episode with a fun Friday question, that we are going to implement in every Friday episode from now on. Today's question is: "Pineapple on pizza - yes or now?"
Please share your thoughts on that in the comments and subscribe on YouTube!
She is the woman behind and in front of the camera. Svea is multi-talented and lets her skills shine while she both shoots and hosts the inspiring YouTube series with iGoMoon's founder Mattias Gronborg.